The work to build the fourth classroom at the Westminster Community Secondary School has begun and the progress in just two weeks is quite remarkable. As it is the rainy season the builders are making all the concrete blocks inside one of the existing classrooms to ensure they stay protected from the elements. Once sand and cement are delivered, they have to “hand ball” everything into the classroom and everything is done manually.

We hope to complete this classroom ready for the start of the new term in September and to boost funds I am walking 15 miles on July 28th, the day after my 71st birthday, and will be accompanied by Daniel, a thirteen-year-old lad, who volunteers to support AlansAfrica as part of his Duke of Edinburgh silver award. If you would like to donate, please visit:
EVERY £ raised will go directly to the project and help “Make A Real Difference” Easington Sports FC kit “Making A Real Difference” at Mile 36 school

The photo was taken at a training session for a mixed team squad made up of senior pupils. They play in tournaments representing the community village, Mile 36, but previously they played in a variety of shirts. They are really pleased and think it will make them play better!!
Major milestone reached
I first visited Sierra Leone as a Rotary volunteer in November 2005, and for my first three trips I worked with the Charity Mercy Ships. On my second trip, May 2006, our team donated some cash in order to part fund the building of a classroom at Christian Hope School and later in the year I did a fundraiser to complete the building. It was then that I realised that by working directly with a community I could “Make A Real Difference”. In January 2007, I returned to Freetown, saw the new classroom and offered to help fund the building of another 6 classrooms and it was then that I set up Alans Africa. Last weekend the fundraising total reached £400,000. I have a fantastic network of supporters, that have enabled me to achieve so much in Sierra Leone and I would like to express my sincere thanks to everybody that has contributed in any way, financially, or with donations of items or in the provision of support and/or services of any kind in order to make this possible. Together we have changed and improved the lives of thousands of children and community members, in one of the poorest countries in the world. I realise that I can’t change the world, BUT while I can, with your support, I will continue to “Make A Real Difference”