Welcome to Read This Magazine’s Charity & Community A-Z Listing For February 25 covering north Oxfordshire, a vibrant and friendly region in Oxfordshire. North Oxfordshire is known for its community spirit, evident through numerous charity initiatives, diverse clubs, and special interest groups. We have an exciting month ahead, with a variety of events that cater to all interests and age groups.
Whether you’re passionate about photography, an avid gardener, a music enthusiast, or a dance lover, there is something for everyone. Below, you will find all the events taking place, along with contact details for each group.
Adderbury Cine Club
Show films at Adderbury Institute, Adderbury on the second Friday of each month. The March film is on the 14th. The film is called Thelma. This is based on a true story about a 93 year old who gets duped by a phone scammer. This is a Meals and Reels night so either come along for the meal and film or come along later just to see the film. Doors open: 6.45 pm, with a meal served at 7 pm (vegetarian option available). The film starts at 8.15 pm. For full details and to book visit: www.bookwhen.com/adderburycineclub or call 01295 811412.
Adderbury History Association
Meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at Adderbury Institute, Adderbury. Talks start at 7.30 pm. Visitors are always welcome. Light refreshments are served at the start of the evening. The March talk is on the 17th and the title is British Civil Wars, 1642-51 in eight paintings. Stephen Barker, a heritage advisor, looks at eight portraits and scenes that represent important moments from the British Civil Wars from both Interregnum and Victorian artists. For more information visit www.historyofadderbury.co.uk.
Adderbury Ukulele Group
Is based at the Adderbury Bowls Club, players of all abilities enjoy strumming and singing popular songs every Monday evening. They entertain at residential homes, concerts, garden parties and anywhere that requires a great singalong. New players are always welcome. For details about the group and to make contact, Visit www.adderburyukes.co.uk.
Adderbury Village Morris Men
Are a friendly and entertaining traditional Cotswold side. For bookings or information on attending practices. Call 01869 811741.
Adderbury, Deddington and District Photographic Society
Welcome new members to attend their meetings and workshops. Visit www.addphoto.co.uk.
Age UK Oxfordshire
Could you help brighten older people’s lives? 1 in 5 older people in Oxfordshire report feeling lonely, help by volunteering as a Phone Friend. Call 01295 234 850 or visit www.ageuk.org.uk/oxfordshire/get-involved/volunteer/telephone-befriending-volunteer.
Age UK Oxfordshire
Offer exercise classes for older people to help maintain health, mobility, and independence. These take place at Grimsbury Community Centre, Banbury. To book email [email protected] or call 01235 849 403.
Age UK Scams Prevention and Support Programme
Aim to protect older individuals from the devastating effects of scams, as older people fall victim to fraud every 40 seconds. Call 0345 450 1276.
All Saints Church, Middleton Cheney
Is open for ‘Jolly Teapot’ on Wednesdays from 10.30 am to 12 noon, serving coffee and cake and giving an opportunity to meet friends, chat, and to view this 13th-century church. Call 01295 712265.
ARCh Assisted Reading for Children
Places trained volunteers going into primary schools to support children with developing a love of reading and boosting their confidence and resilience. They are looking for volunteers to go into primary schools twice a week to support children with reading, confidence and self-esteem. If you are interested in volunteering, please get in touch call 01869 320380 or email [email protected].
Banbury & District Multiple Sclerosis Society
Meet on the first Thursday of the month from 1 pm to 3 pm. This Support & Information get-together is held at Marlborough Rd Methodist Church, Banbury. Tea/coffee along with biscuits are served for all. Email [email protected].
Banbury & North Oxfordshire Ramblers
Offer the opportunity to enjoy fresh air, exercise, new friends and fun while exploring the countryside. Visit www.ramblers-oxon.org.uk/bnowalks or call 01295 710143 or 07710 036598.
Banbury Alcoholics Anonymous
Hold meetings every Tuesday and Friday from 7.30 pm to 9 pm at The Beacon, St Mary’s Centre, Banbury. A women’s meeting is every Wednesday from 12.30 pm in the Brabazon Rooms, Depuis Centre, St John’s RC Church, Banbury.
Banbury Amateur Radio Society
Meet on the first four Wednesdays of each month and welcomes new members of all ages. Meetings start at 7:30 pm at 169 Bloxham Rd, Banbury. Amateur radio encompasses a wide range of activities from chatting to fellow amateurs around the world to building equipment. They are fully equipped and offer tuition to obtain an amateur transmitting licence. Visit www.banburyares.co.uk.
Banbury and District Caledonian Society
Offer Scottish country dancing on Tuesday evenings from 7.15 pm to 9.30 pm at Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Banbury. Call 07866 465533 or email [email protected].
Banbury Bell Ringers
Welcome all ringers to join them at St Mary’s Church, Banbury. Sunday Service from 9.15 am to 10 am. Practice nights are Wednesdays from 7.15 pm to 9 pm. Call 01295 258413 or email [email protected].
Banbury Book Group
Meet on Wednesdays at 7 pm once a month to discuss both fiction and modern/contemporary books at The White Horse, Banbury. Email [email protected].
Banbury Breathe Easy Club
Support people with breathing problems, their families, carers and friends. Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Army Reserves Centre, Banbury. Call 07813 448257 or email [email protected]. For volunteer enquiries call 01295 254137.
Banbury Buddhist Meditation Group
Meet on Tuesdays at 8 pm in The Quaker Friends Meeting House. Guiding sittings and discussion. Email: [email protected].
Banbury Car & Bike Meet
Takes place at Banbury Cricket Club. April to September on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5 pm. October to March on the 1st Sunday of the month from 10 am. Vehicles of all ages are welcome.
Banbury Cherwell Rotary Club
Is looking for new members, volunteers and partner organisations to support local community projects. Visit their Facebook page, email [email protected] or call 07771 813216.
Banbury Chess Club
Meet every Thursday from 7 pm to 10 pm at St Mary’s Centre, Banbury. All skill levels are welcome. Call 07388 214484.
Banbury Choral Society
Presents Mozart ‘Requiem’ & Schubert ‘Mass in G Major’ at St Mary’s Church, Banbury on the 12th of April at 7.30 pm. Tickets are available from www.banburychoralsoc.co.uk or available on the door.Â
Banbury Community Action Group (CAG)
Work to improve the local environment by improving cycling and walking routes, biodiversity and help with growing your food. Email [email protected] or visit www.facebook.com/BanburyCAG.
Banbury Community Garden
Is located at Bridge Street Garden and the Browning Road Orchard, Banbury. Teaching the community how to grow their food. Visit www.facebook.com/bridgestgarden.
Banbury Cross District Girlguiding
Is looking for volunteers to help reopen the Rainbow and Brownie units. No previous experience is needed. Visit www.go.girlguiding.org.uk/join-us/join-as-volunteer.
Banbury Cross Players
Is a local adult drama group that meet on Thursdays from 7.30 pm at The Mill Arts Centre, Banbury. Visit www.banburycrossplayers.org.uk.
Banbury Evergreens
Is an over 50s sports club with social events. They meet at Spiceball Leisure Centre between 2 pm and 4 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Their aim is to keep you active in a friendly environment and to enable you to meet with friends with similar interests. Visit www.banburyevergreens.co.uk email [email protected] or call 07971 144416.
Banbury Fine Arts Society
Meet on the second Tuesday evening of the month from September to May (except in January) at the Chenderit Academy, Middleton Cheney from 7.15 pm. The programme consists of monthly lectures, study days and outings on a wide range of art and art history subjects. Call 01295 710326 or email [email protected].
Banbury Gamblers Anonymous
Meet on Mondays from 7.30 pm to 9 pm at St Francis Church, Banbury. Email [email protected].
Banbury Harvest@Home
Combat food insecurity. They manage community plots that give people the opportunity to be involved in growing food for the community. Can you help? Share your time, expertise, supplies or seedlings. Visit www.cherwellcollective.com or email [email protected].
Banbury Health Walks and Town Strolls
Offer a variety of walking groups with options ranging from 30 to 90 minutes in different locations. Visit www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/walkfinder/cherwell-health-walks or email [email protected].
Banbury Historical Society
Meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30 at Banbury Museum. Their programme includes lectures and outings. The Reference Library is open on Thursdays from 2 pm to 4 pm. New members are most welcome. Visit www.banburyhistoricalsociety.org or email [email protected].
Banbury Inner Wheel Club
Are a group of women who enjoy fun, fellowship and working together on fundraising events serving our communities. They meet on the second Friday of each month at 2.30 pm at Banbury Cricket Club, Bodicote. In June & July additionally on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm. Email [email protected].
Banbury Lions
Is a local service club of men and women who give back to the community. They meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm at the Whateley Hall Hotel. Committees cover fundraising events, welfare requests, and social activities. New members are welcome.Visit www.banburylions.co.uk email [email protected] or call 0845 833 2924.
Banbury Parkinson’s Group
Meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 3 pm to 4.30 pm, and the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Royal Voluntary Service Hall, Banbury. Call 07810 063362 or email [email protected].
Banbury Reading Group
Is a small and friendly group which meets fortnightly on Mondays during term time at 7 pm at Hanwell Community Centre. If you are interested, please call Liz Horn on 07933 054236 or email [email protected].
Banbury Rock Choir
Enjoy singing and performing pop, gospel and Motown favourites in a friendly, fun and informal group. There is no need to read music and no need to audition. Visit www.rockchoir.com/free-taster-session.
Banbury Rotary Club
Are people of action helping our community. Take a look at www.banburyrotaryclub.org.uk and if you think you’d enjoy helping your community email [email protected].
Banbury Scout Group
Is looking for adult volunteers with no qualifications needed. Scouting offers fun, friendship, and adventure with activities such as canoeing, climbing, and making bird boxes. Email [email protected] or call 07901 896257.
Banbury Shed
Is a community workshop where members come together to make things, learn from each other, and socialise. They offer woodworking, upcycling, repairs and metalwork. Visit www.facebook.com/banburyshed.
Banbury Social Dance Club
Offer Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dancing to music at GF Sports and Social Club, Banbury. Dances are held once a month, and their program can be found on the website www.banburysocialdanceclub.co.uk.
Banbury Stamp Society
Meet twice a month from September to May on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm at Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Banbury. Visit www.banburystampsociety.co.uk call 01295 255831 or email [email protected].
Banbury u3a
Meet at 2.30 pm in Longford Park Community Centre on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. On the 12th of March they will be entertained by the Launton Handbell Ringers with tea and biscuits to follow as usual. On the 26th of March, they have a talk on honey bees. Visit www.banburyu3a.co.uk or [email protected].
Banbury Women’s Institute
Meets at St Hugh’s Church Hall, Easington. On the 2nd Monday of each month at 7.30 pm. Call 01295 252304.
Banbury Writers Café
Meet at the Old Town Café, Banbury on Thursdays from 6.30 pm to 9 pm. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, you’re welcome. The first session is complimentary. Visit www.banburywriterscafe.wordpress.com or email [email protected].
Banburyshire Advice Centre
Help with welfare benefits advice, blue badge applications, foodbank vouchers, general advice, education course information and career advice. Advisers cannot advise on debts or legal matters. They refer to a Wills and Power of Attorney expert. The charity runs Mental Health Awareness Courses. Locations: Cherwell Business Village, Borough House, Hanwell Fields Community Centre, RVS Cornhill Centre and the new Phoenix Advice Centre at 49C Castle Street. Visit www.banburyshirecitizenproject.org.uk call 01295 279988 or email [email protected].
Banished Magicians Club
Are the only Magic Club in Banbury they meet at Hanwell Fields Community Centre on the last Tuesday of each month from 7.30 pm. If you want to go along and make magic your hobby you will be most welcome. Email [email protected] or visit www.banishedmagicians.co.uk.
Is a charity currently facing challenges due to the cost-of-living crisis and need your support. They are looking for individuals to foster animals, make donations, or sponsor long-term residents. Call 07518 658357 or email [email protected].
Bloxham Bridge Club
Meet every Thursday at 6.45 pm at the Bloxham Parish Rooms. New players are welcome. Call 07771 965055 or visit www.bridgewebs/bloxham or email [email protected].
Breadline Project
Offer free food redistribution. Are you or someone you know struggling to make ends meet? Visit www.breadlineproject.org email [email protected].
Cherwell Theatre Company
Bring thought-provoking game-theatre to Oxfordshire. To stay informed about upcoming productions, opportunities, classes and holiday workshops, email [email protected].
Cornhill Centre Banbury
Offer a variety of fun, social activities, Monday to Friday, particularly for the 50-plus age group. Volunteers welcome. Call 01295 264214 or email [email protected].
Craft And Tabletop Sale
Is taking place at Marlborough Road Methodist Church on the 5th of April between 10 am and 1 pm. Free entry, refreshments, cakes, bric-a-brac and many craft stalls.
Dachshund Meet
Takes place in The Peoples Park, Banbury. Meet at the Café and complete a circular walk from 11 am on the third Sunday of each month. All dogs must stay on leads.
Drayton Badminton Club
Meet at the NOA academy on Monday evenings between 8 pm and 9.30 pm from the 17th of March. All standards are welcome. Call 07896 819511.
Easington’s Welcome Space Near You!
Looking for coffee, cake and chat this Autumn and Winter? Every Tuesday and Friday from 10 am to 12.30 pm at St Hugh’s Church Hall, Banbury. Just pop along. Autumn/pre-Christmas Craft Fair on the 6th of October from 1 pm to 5 pm. Call 07887 834267.
GF Sequence Dance Club
Is a popular sequence dancing club that meet every Tuesday from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm at GF Sports & Social Club, Banbury. Call 01295 720666.
Good Grief Café
Is a bereavement group on the 1st Saturday of every month in The Bowen Room of The Dupuis Centre, Banbury. They are run by understanding volunteers who have experienced loss and welcome everyone. Visit www.thegoodgrieftrust.org.
Green Gym
Join the Salt Way Activity Group and burn some calories. You will be helping nature and keeping the way open for numerous users. Learn about native trees, shrubs and wildflowers, carry out practical management and enhance the way for wildlife. They are located on the south side of Banbury. Email [email protected] or visit www.saltwayactivitygroup.org.uk.
Home Start Banbury, Bicester & Chipping Norton
Is an organisation that help families with children under the age of 5 who are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. They offer free, non-judgmental support and help with promoting the welfare of families. Visit www.home-startbanbury.org.uk, their Facebook page, call 01295 266358 or email i[email protected].
Hook Norton Brass Band
Welcome brass players of all ages and abilities from grade 1 upwards. A fun social band plays many genres of music. Instruments are available to borrow. Rehearsals in Banbury every Monday evening. Call 07748 305743 or visit www.hnbb.co.uk.
It’s Good to Talk
Meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 11 am to 12 pm at the Cornhill Centre, Banbury. A discussion group with a different theme each month provides an opportunity to discuss issues in a non-judgmental environment and offer peer support. The group is facilitated by a member of St Leonard’s Church. Visit www.saintleonardsbanbury.org.
Joseph & The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat – Schools Production.
Is taking place in Rachel Smith Hall at Blessed George Napier School on the 27th, 28th and 29th of March at 7.30 pm. To book tickets visit: www.ticketsource.co.uk/blessed-george-napier-school.
Kings Sutton 50+ Club
Meet at the Kings Sutton Millennium Memorial Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2.30 pm. Call 07548 268733.
Kings Sutton Bridge Club
Meet on Wednesday mornings for supervised bridge and on Thursday evenings for Club Night. Call 07812 727744 or visit www.bridgewebs.com/kingssutton.
Kings Sutton Gardening Club
Is hosting a talk by Chris Paxford entitled ‘Bees in the Garden’ at Kings Sutton Millennium Hall at 7.30 pm on 26th March. Visitors welcome. Call 01295 811635.
Kings Sutton Sequence Dance Club
Meet every Thursday afternoon between 2 pm and 4 pm. Call 01295 810131.
King’s Sutton Wellbeing Walk
Take place on Fridays at the Millennium Memorial Hall, King Sutton from 9.45 am for a 1.5-hour walk. Shorter walks are available. Call 01295 367472 or email [email protected].
King’s Sutton WI
Meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 19.30 in the King’s Sutton Millennium Memorial Hall. Call 07817303625 or email [email protected]
Let’s Play Project
Aim to give young people with additional needs the freedom and confidence to have fun with their peers and increase their opportunities in the local community. Visit www.letsplaybanbury.org or email [email protected] or call 01295 810661.
Local Vocals Community Choir
Meet on Monday evenings during term time at Deddington Primary School from 7.30 pm to 9 pm. No prior musical experience is required. Visit www.localvocalscc.co.uk.
Marathon Kids
Is a free program for children that takes place on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10 am at Spiceball Park. Visit www.marathonkids.co.uk download the app Marathon Kids, and then turn up.
Middleton Cheney Age Concern
Hold meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Middleton Cheney village hall from 2 pm to 4 pm. Open to anyone 55 or over.
Musical Memories
Is a social activity for people with dementia and their careers, enabling them to sing along with others who are in a similar situation, in a stimulating and safe environment. They meet on the first and third Monday of each month between 10.30 am and 12 noon (not on Bank Holidays) at St Francis Church, Banbury. Call 01295 368238 or email [email protected].
North Banbury Scouts
Is seeking volunteers to help at Hanwell Fields, Banbury. To make a positive impact in your community get involved. Call 01295 253194 or email [email protected] or visit www.northbanburyscouts.co.uk.
Nostalgia Café
Meet on the second Monday of each month from 10.30 am to 12 pm at Green Pastures Christian Nursing Home, Banbury. For those living at home with Dementia or Alzheimer’s and their unpaid carers. An additional group runs on the 4th Monday of each month from a varying location. Call 07751 929242 or email [email protected].
Oxfordshire Mind
Provide crisis support, peer support, and short courses for adults in Banbury who are experiencing mental health difficulties. For crisis support, contact them from Friday to Monday between 5 pm to 9.30 pm on 01295 270004. For peer support and short courses, contact them from Monday to Thursday between 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, and Fridays between 9.30 am to 4 pm on 01865 247788.
Oxfordshire Volunteer Befriending Service
Offers family carers a break from their 24-hour caring role. Can you spare 2 hours per fortnight? Call 07801 482408 or email at [email protected].
Piece Together
Banbury’s own jigsaw club, continues to meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday at St Hugh’s Church Hall on Ruskin Road from 2 pm to 3.30 pm. New members are always welcome. You can now exchange up to four puzzles a month from our library of nearly 1000 jigsaws of all makes and sizes. There’s time for a cuppa and cake too. Donations for these, together with our monthly raffle takings, support KHH, Oxfordshire Mind and St Hugh’s. Call 07789 036305.
Offer chair-based exercise for individuals whose bodies may not function as well as they used to. At Marlborough Road Methodist Church, Banbury every Thursday at 12 pm and the Bodicote Church Hall from 1.30 pm every Monday. Call 07906 323203 or email [email protected].
Radio Horton
Volunteers needed! Visit www.radiohorton.co.uk/get-involved/volunteer.
Support individuals in their recovery from mental ill-health. They offer a unique shopping experience by selling items made by their service users, volunteers and staff. The Orchard Recovery Group shop, Banbury is open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. Call 01865 455821 or email [email protected].
Sing For Fun
Is a group for older individuals who meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm at the Cornhill Centre, Banbury. Email [email protected].
Single Boots
Are a friendly walking club for single people. They organise day walks on most Sundays, summer evenings, weekend trips away in cottages, B&Bs and camping. As well as other social activities. Visit www.singleboots.co.uk.
Single File North Oxon
Is a social group for single, divorced, separated and widowed people who are over 50. They meet within 15 miles of Bloxham for a variety of activities. Visit www.meetup.com/single-file-north-oxon.
St Hugh’s Church in Banbury
Offers a warm welcome to anyone who would like to drop in on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10 am to 12.30 pm for drinks, cake, company, puzzles and board games. Call 07495 139079 or email [email protected].
St. John the Baptist Parish Church in Bodicote
Welcomes you on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of each month from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm offer friendly company, homemade cakes and a hot drink while participating in a table quiz. The event is free, but donations are appreciated. Call 01295 250282 or email [email protected].
Sunrise Multicultural Project Banbury
Provide Community Help & Information. Ladies’ drop-ins, youth groups, children’s Saturday Clubs and much more! Call 01295 701728 or email [email protected] or visit www.sunrisemulticultural.org.uk.
Tadmarton Folk Dance Club
Hold weekly sessions at the Tadmarton Village Hall every Tuesday at 7.45 pm. Call 01295 788180 or 01295 811404.
The Pet Bank Banbury
Help those who are struggling to provide food and supplies for their pets. Could you donate food, supplies, or your time? Email [email protected] or call 07446 895478.
Velology Club of Banbury
Is a group that collect Vehicle Tax discs from 1921 to 2014. Call 01295 276856 or email [email protected].
Warmington Art and Craft Group
Get together on the 4th Saturday of each month at Warmimgton Village Hall from 10 am to 2 pm. Call 01295 690337.
Warmington Heritage Group
Meet at the Village Hall on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Call 01295 690286.
World Dancing Group
Sessions are held in the Swalcliffe Village Hall on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 2 pm to 4 pm, and South Newington Village Hall on the 4th Thursday of each month from 7.30 pm to 9 pm. Call 01295 780710 or [email protected].