As Core Zone celebrates an incredible 20 years in business this June, we thought it was only right that we should discover more about how this, much loved, Pilates studio evolved into the success story we see today.
Shaena Charles, founder and head instructor at Core Zone, reveals her inspiration, the secrets of her success and what drives her to continue despite all the obstacles encountered during the past 20 years.

Why “Core Zone”?
The business name Core Zone reflects Shaena’s desire to emphasise the importance of caring for the “core” of the body which in turn, can help to resolve the core of many commonly experienced physical and emotional issues. Of course, the discipline of Pilates itself is built upon a strict set of Core Values, and it was with pin sharp focus on teaching the true method of Pilates, Shaena began to offer classes to small groups. Within these classes each client experienced personal realignment and small movement adjustments to ensure the full benefit was gained from every exercise performed.
What is the business mission?
The dream, long before Shaena hosted her first Core Zone class back in 2003, was to help her clients learn to focus on developing a strong connection between their mind and body. Believing that if individuals learn to listen to their bodies and are educated to respond positively to niggles and small changes, preventative measures can be taken, avoiding major issues later down the line.
Due to her background in physiotherapy, when a new client walks into Shaena’s studio, it is second nature to assess their walk and how they stand, enquire about daily routines, sleeping and sitting positions. Once this information is logged, Shaena can work on reforming those bad posture habits, ones we all develop over the years, crossing feet when standing for long periods or sitting, slouching over a laptop or curling up in a favourite chair, all these little habits build up tensions in our bodies that cause pain.
A mission Shaena was particularly passionate about was to provide an inclusive, caring environment, offering classes to anyone struggling with flexibility, strength or mobility issues. She wanted all her clients to feel at home and relaxed, and to trust the instruction given would achieve transformative results. She wanted to create a wellbeing sanctuary delivering something completely different to those other intimidating, commercial style, fitness classes that were available anywhere.
What inspired her to start a business?
An unexpected job interview turned out to be all the inspiration required…
Prior to starting the business, for many years Shaena was kept busy managing gyms and teaching fitness classes, including Step, Body Pump and gym instruction in addition to receiving regular GP Referrals for her physiotherapy expertise. Then out of the blue, an opportunity presented itself when a client passed Shaena a business card and told her to expect a phone call. Later that day, a specialist from Stoke Mandeville Hospital called inviting Shaena to attend an interview for the role of Technical Instructor, tasked with assisting a team rehabilitating paraplegics. Despite the interview going well and being offered the role, Shaena could not accept. There was a significant amount of training involved and the salary offered was just too low. Her confidence was buoyed, but she was nonetheless disheartened.
Later that week her husband took her to a small studio premises that was available to rent in Banbury and announced, “that if Stoke Mandeville think you are good enough, then you are good enough to run a business of your own, doing exactly what you love!” That was all the motivation she needed, and in June 2003 Core Zone opened its doors for the first time.
What were her biggest challenges over the past 20 years?
Shaena admits she has found running a business challenging in many ways, but by far the biggest challenge was keeping her business going and her clients well during the COVID years. Everyone became so scared and anxious and reluctant to commit to any adapted classes they were offered. However, that said, Shaena is very grateful for the truly amazing set of loyal clients who showed an exceptional level of understanding when an online booking process was introduced to accommodate COVID safety measures and supported her throughout all the chaotic teething problems. The same is true of the small team of Core Zone staff. Special gratitude goes to her husband and family, her biggest cheerleaders, who kept her positive during her darkest days.
What advice does Shaena offer to anyone wanting to start a business?
Stay true to your beliefs and trust your gut instinct, in her experience it’s rarely wrong, but keep an open mind when offered advice.
What lessons has she learned over the past 20 years?
Value your talents. It took Shaena a long to time to feel comfortable charging for the service she provides and to fully acknowledge her skill and expertise were of great value to many. Also she encourages any new business owner to accept help and embrace the fact that “you can’t do everything – learn to delegate but pick your team carefully. Then allow your business to grow organically and enjoy watching it flourish.”
Experience Pilates the Core Zone way
Whether you are suffering from a joint problem, injury or just want to feel great, they have a wide range of mixed classes available throughout the week to suit all levels from beginners to experienced.