1st Bloxham Cubs is in need of adult leaders to enable it to run.
They have a thriving Beaver Colony and Scout Troop, but no leaders to run the Cub Pack.
Could you help?
It really is just 1.5 hours per week – term time only.
Do you like organising activities, crafts and games? Then we would love your help in preparing children/young people with skills for life, whilst having fun! No experience is necessary and all training is provided. Age and ability no barrier.
All Sections meet at Bloxham C of E Primary School, Tadmarton Road, OX15 4HP
Beavers: boys and girls (6-8 years old) – Wednesdays 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Cubs: boys and girls (8-10½ years old) currently not running – looking for volunteer Leaders.
Scouts: boys and girls (10½ -14 years old) – Thursdays 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm

They volunteer flexibly, so you can give as much or as little time as suits you. They are all part of a team with a shared purpose, and have access to a multitude of easy-to-use digital resources.
What’s in it for you: An opportunity to pass on your skills and knowledge, and to shape, encourage and inspire the next generation whilst giving back to the community. Builds knowledge, confidence and experience and looks great on your CV! Can count as the service element for DoE Awards. Most importantly, you get to have lots of fun!
Or could you help us as part of a fundraising team to apply for grants, sort out gift aid, etc.?
Testimonial from a current adult volunteer: “Working with Cubs and Scouts has definitely been rewarding. The programme of events is wide and varying, everything from problem solving, first aid, and bottle rockets, to survival shelters and backwoods cooking and night navigation. I’ve learnt a lot, and so have the Cubs and Scouts. There’s certainly a lot of fun and laughs to be had. Training is available, and it genuinely doesn’t take up much of your own time.”
Whatever help you can offer, they would love to hear from you! Please contact 1st Bloxham Cubs:
[email protected] or Google: 1st Bloxham Scout Group for more information.
2024 – Make this the year to volunteer!